Category: Notes

  • The Plan



    I hate writing about my plans online. I love doing it, but I hate the way it feels. This blog alone (and this is what, my 10th-ish blog?) has had at least three “I’m getting back to blogging” posts. Sometimes it’s just the only thing I can muster. I have the ambition to do something,…

  • Inbox Zero



    I’m not enjoying the fact that this is the highlight of my day, but I’m at Inbox Zero and if feels like a huge load has been taken off my shoulders. For a person who hates working from their Inbox, I do it all the time. So, to not have to do that anymore (even…

  • The 4 Things that Helped Me Through this Week of Quarantine



    This was a particularly difficult one. I couldn’t get myself to do any real work, but I didn’t feel like I was having a good time with any of the other activities either. Except these four: Comic books (Saga, in particular) I basically read through the entire 54 issues of Saga in 4 days. I…

  • Quarantine Update 3.4.20



    I’m going to be honest, the highlight of the past week of the quarantine was my discovery/re-discovery of Nintendo games. I have spent 30+ hours playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past on my old Nintendo 3DS. They’re so good! A Link to the Past was released in Japan…

  • What I’ve Been Doing



    Playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf[note]It’s as peaceful and as addicting as everyone says it is. If you have any Nintendo-device, buy the game. And if it’s a Nintend DS/3DS — add me![/note] Playing Zelda: Link to the Past [note]I’m very surprised that the gameplay holds up.[/note] Actually trying to make music[note]Like for real. I’ve opened Garageband…

  • Should I be relating to The Bell Jar this much?



    “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was…

  • January Media Diet



    Here’s what I watched and listened to in January.

  • A Month In Film (September)



    In September I had a business trip to Kharkiv, and most of the pictures in this post are from there.

  • A Month In Film (August)*



    My favorite photos from the latest roll of film I shot and developed.