Category: Notes

  • Project Hail Mary



    VERY good book. Just finished it today. Arguably even better than The Martian. DEFINITELY better than Artemis. Couldn’t put it down. Sucks because i had a sleepless night, but does go to show how awesome and captivating the story is.

  • Make Your Own Rules by Andrew Huang



    I was not excited when Andrew Huang announced that he would be writing a book. I’ve been online long enough to be weary of “books written by YouTubers”. But that was unfair of me. Andrew Huang has been a goldmine of awesome and entertaining videos, helpful and useful advice, as well as a very large…

  • Essentialism by Greg McKeown



    Just finished reading Essentialism by Greg McKeown. For me this was a very “front loaded” self-help book (one of my least favorite kinds). Most of the advice that the book has to offer is revealed in the introductory chapters. What fallows, then, is just a bunch of examples of how the advice can be applied…

  • Pointless Art



    This is mostly a “note to self” type of post that I hope somebody else might relate to. I had an idea for a small art project. I checked online to see if someone else has done something similar. “Computer says no.” So, I took that idea and made it happen. And it was shit.…

  • Happy New Year



    Hey! How’s it going?Happy New Year! I mean I know it’s been 11 days by now, but just because the calendar flipped doesn’t mean my procrastination habits suddenly disappeared.I did feel a motivation boost for the first 4 days of the year (which were, coincidentally, mostly weekends). And I didn’t even have any resolutions or…

  • My Brain has a Word Limit



    For the past couple of weeks I’ve taken note of how long it takes me to get bored of an activity that involves reading. 1000 words. That’s my personal cutoff. 1000 words of a book. 1000 words of a blog post (or two). Even when I’m reading twitter, I’ll get bored after around 1000 words…

  • Some Things I Did To Feel Better This Week



    We’re out here on month 6 of lockdown and it’s the worst it’s been (for me) in terms of how I feel, how my body feels, how much I’m struggling to get things done. I’ve been a night owl my whole life, going to bed at 2AM or later. But the past couple of weeks…

  • I Miss Paris



    Two things. Watching this video made me miss Paris. It’s not like it even shows any of the places that I like or any particular activities I enjoy, but it has the “vibe” and I really miss that vibe. Seeing people, without masks, nonchalantly take the subway is weird. I caught myself feeling low-key panicked…

  • The List



    Last Saturday I got really bored and decided to make a list of things that I remember being interested in from my teens up until now. I’ve always been the type of person who darts between hobbies several times a week, and so I have hundreds of interests that I never got good at, didn’t…

  • Summer So Far



    The last thing I remember was taking the subway home from the office and being astounded by a woman eating popcorn out of a bag with her bare hands, occasionally holding onto the railing, as everyone around her (including me) was wearing a face mask. That was in the middle of March, before cases skyrocketed…