Category: Notes

  • Kendrick Lamar Album Review (Part 1 of 2?)



    To say I wasn’t hyped for the release of Damn would be to say nothing at all. I’m not a hardcore fan of Kendrick in the way I’m not a hardcore fan of any artist or band; I love good music, but I don’t go as far as watching every single interview and reading every…

  • Fantastic Music and Where to Find It



    The older you get, the less time you have to spend on looking for new music. Here’s how I find new tunes quickly.

  • Art v. Artist and Authorial Intent v. Canon



    Kanye West is the best argument both for and against the separation of art and artist. JK Rowling is the best argument both for and against an author’s influence on canon after the original series is officially over. This post was brought to you by this episode of The Last Podcast with Zac Little and this New Yorker cartoon. Let me…

  • Listen to this: Bo Burnham on You Made it Weird



    You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes: Bo Burnham #3 It’s a three hour conversation, which is about 6 times longer than the average podcast episode I listen to, but it’s such a great conversation. It’s the type of conversation that seems to cover everything, even though it’s not really focused on anything at…

  • Stranger Things



    I binge-watched Stranger Things in one day and highly recommend that you do the same. Here’s why—

  • Movies I’m looking forward to in 2016



    Below is a list of movies I’m really excited to see in 2016. There are many indie films and smaller releases that I’m looking forward to, but these are the big ones — these are the ones that have been on my radar for a while. Deadpool The marketing for this movie is just crazy good.…

  • The Martian by Andy Weir | Book Review (With Insignificant Spoilers)



    I don’t think I’ve read a sci-fi book since I, Robot back in Middle School, but DAMN The Martian was the perfect “Welcome Back to the Genre” book. It’s exciting, it seems like just enough fact-checking happened to make this story plausible, and it appeals to every kid who’s ever wanted to be an astronaut…

  • FFS Watch This: Mr. Robot



    I’ve been binge watching Mr. Robot this past weekend. It’s a great show, and even though I haven’t watched many of the other new shows that came out this summer (Sense 8, OITNB, True Detective, etc.) I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that this is one of the best. The show…

  • (Where to) Discover New Music



    Music has always been an important part of my life. I grew up in a household where music was always playing on the stereo. I was encouraged to pursue a musical instrument at an early age (I play drums, and how I started is a topic for a whole other blog post). If there was ever…

  • My Top 6 Action Movies (Mad Max: Fury Road Review)



    My love for action movies has steadily been decreasing since the age of 10, but every once in a while a new action film will come out that will rekindle my love for the genre. Action movies seldom captivate the audience with amazing plots or themes, but what they lack in this regard they try to…